SEO writing fundamentals to put you ahead of the competition, land more jobs and work at higher writing rates.

    • SEO writers who want to be profitable and competitive need to know more than how to a write a blog post for SEO.

    • To demand higher rates, SEO writers need a thorough understanding of SEO, keyword research and how their content plays into a customer’s journey.

    • Writers should also ensure that their site is the perfect example of an SEO website to use as proof and to attract clients automatically.

    • To learn more about getting into SEO, watch our free training video!

Right now, the demand for skilled SEO content writers is incredible. As businesses strive to establish their online presence and follow the latest Google search updates, the role of good content becomes paramount.

Scour any job board for content writers, bloggers, technical writers or copywriters – and almost all of them want writers with SEO skills.

Now is a great time to get into SEO writing, but it’s a crowded field if you can’t stand out. To thrive in this competitive industry and justify working at higher (livable) rates, aspiring SEO content writers must embrace a multifaceted skill set.

Nowadays, you really can’t just optimize blog posts using on-page SEO tactics. You have to go above and beyond, especially because other writers are already doing it.

In this in-depth post, we'll explore 27 crucial aspects that can turn you into a well-rounded and high-paid SEO content writer.

Someone who will stand out amongst a sea of applicants. Someone who will create better-performing content than their counterparts. Someone who will confidently justify why they deserve to be paid expert SEO rates. You ready?

27 Fundamentals to Become a Well-Rounded and High-Paid SEO Content Writer

This list includes most, but not all of the essential SEO writing skills that you need. For a more in-depth picture on how to demand higher rates, check out our free SEO writing training video!

#1 Understand the Innerworkings of SEO

To excel in SEO content writing, a solid understanding of search engine optimization is non-negotiable. You have to know how it works, why it’s important to businesses and how it ultimately helps the person searching online.

You also have to know where SEO is used outside of Google. There are many search engines and search-engine-type platforms that use SEO algorithms.

As you dive into SEO writing training, make sure you familiarize yourself with how keywords play a part in SEO. Also, understanding on-page and off-page SEO tactics should be baseline knowledge.

#2 Know How to Efficiently Find the Best Keywords

Becoming adept at keyword research is key. While SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush or Ahrefs will help you analyze the data, you have to know how to identify high-ranking and relevant keywords for your content.

Plus, since SEO keyword research is ultra-important for the success of your content, you ideally should be able to generate a list of keywords as fast and as accurately as possible.

Nothing sucks more than choosing the wrong keywords, writing your content and then realizing you had no chance of ranking in the first place! Or later on, you might see that your content is ranking for the wrong audience.

Dive into learning about SEO keyword intent, competitiveness and difficulty.

#3 Get to Know How People Search

Understanding your target audience is important. Understanding what keywords your audience will type in is paramount.

There is also a big difference between SEO keywords and content topics — and your content can get penalized if you intertwine these things automatically. That’s why it’s exceptionally important to make sure your content is informed by your target audience, rather than chosen based on SEO keywords.

Ultimately, to tailor your content to resonate with the audience, you’ll have to know their needs, preferences and pain points.

#4 Generate SEO-Loving, Reader-Loving Headlines

Compelling headlines and titles are the gateway to engaging content. It’s best to use various titles and headlines to test the best options, especially when you’re trying to draw more traffic in from the search engine results pages (SERPs).

In fact, for many blog posts, writers should be creating 3+ different headlines to accommodate on-page titles, title tags, navigation titles and more.

Learn to create SEO headlines that captivate readers but also help you rank well for your desired keywords.

#5 Write for Readers and Search Engines

It’s quite the balancing act to ensure your content sounds natural while also incorporating a list of keywords! Add in too little keywords, and the search engines won’t know what you’re talking about. Add in too many keywords, and the search engines will penalize you for keyword stuffing.

Exceptional, human-centric writing is at the heart of SEO content. Hone your skills in grammar, style and tone to deliver content that is not only optimized for search engines but also easy and enjoyable for readers.

#6 Master the Art of Organized Learning

How you set up your SEO content is just as important as what you write. Weave narratives that connect with your audience, making your content memorable and shareable.

Make sure your content is structured in a way that is logical and beneficial to helping a reader learn and understand the topic. Plus, you’ll have to correctly gauge how much previous knowledge they have based on the SEO keywords they search.

If you bore readers by being too basic, you run the risk of them leaving because the website does not seem like an authority. If your content is way over their head, they’ll leave because they’re too confused to function!

#7 Stay Updated on New SEO Performance Guidelines

The SEO landscape is insanely dynamic. From official statements from Google to thousands of opinionated SEO “experts,” you need a way to quickly discern what information is relevant to you as an SEO writer.

If you’re too entangled in SEO updates, you’re going to waste a lot of time on things that have no impact on your writing. However, if you’re not invested enough in SEO changes, you risk losing out on leads and traffic from ignorance.

Stay abreast of industry trends, algorithm updates and emerging technologies to adapt your strategies accordingly.

#8 Embrace Long-Form Content (but Not Too Long)

Long-form content tends to perform well in search results. But, there is a finesse to determining the right length. Plus the “ideal length” for various different types of SEO work varies.

If you’re working on long-form blog content, you’ll have a totally different word count than title tags, SEO copy, video SEO and more.

Learn to craft in-depth, valuable content that provides comprehensive insights for your audience.

#9 Understand User Intent to Inform Your Keyword Choice

Google prioritizes content that aligns with user intent. Anticipate what users are searching for and tailor your content to meet those needs.

You’ll also need to understand which words are profitable (conversion-centric) versus educational versus transactional and more. When clients approach you for SEO writing work, many times they will ask you to write content with a specific “next step” in mind.

The keywords, structure, headlines and content will differ greatly if you’re writing for “problem awareness” versus “product comparison.”

#10 Write in SEO-Friendly Formatting

Break your content into readable chunks with headers, bullet points and images. This not only enhances the user experience but also makes your content more search engine-friendly.

Ideal word counts per section can vary. Plus, keep in mind varying screen sizes and how those can impact the look and readability of your content.

#11 Incorporate Secondary, Extra and LSI Keywords

Think you can write high-performing content with a handful of keywords that your client gives you? Think again!

Even with a provided SEO keyword list, you will likely still have to incorporate additional keywords and topics into the content.

Luckily, some of this can be done naturally as you write, but having a strategy behind writing will provide even better organic results.

#12 Learn Key URL Hacks

If you want to make more money on your projects, learn how to optimize URL links for SEO. This is also great for your own portfolio site, since you have complete control over what your URLs are.

Should you incorporate your main keywords or secondary keywords here? How do you write them out? How do the domain name and the slugs affect SEO? All of these things are important to know, especially of you want your own site to rank better (so you can grab more clients organically).

#13 Pick the Best SEO Tools and Master Them

Familiarize yourself with tools like Yoast SEO, Grammarly and other SEO plugins that can streamline your writing process and enhance your content's performance.

While many SEO tools have paid versions, you have to know how to use them correctly. Plus, certain SEO tools offer different insights, which can be helpful (or not) to your writing work.

#14 Capitalize On All Steps of the Customer Journey

Novice SEO writers will only write educational content. Experienced SEO writers will understand how to write for all kinds of leads, some who are closer to converting than others.

Not only do these skills help you write better content, but you will definitely create more profitable content for your clients (and you if you do these things on your own site).

Writers who can tie their work closer to real revenue, conversions and sales will be able to land higher-paying jobs more easily.

#15 Develop Strong (and Efficient) Research Skills

Thorough research adds credibility to your content, but not all research is created equal. It’s important for writers to understand what types of research studies hold more weight than others, especially in the health and wellness field.

Also, since Google tends to prioritize content that has personal human experience — especially the experiences of topic experts — you’ll have to know how to pull information for interviews, Q&As and more.

Invest time in gathering accurate and up-to-date information for your articles.

#16 Network and Build Strategic Relationships

Networking can open doors to opportunities, collaborations and a deeper understanding of your niche.

However, some networking relationships will lead to dead ends. Sure, it’s nice to have a community of writers for support, but they probably won’t pass much great work onto you. After all, they’d be looking for great opportunities for themselves (and rightfully so). There is no shame in that!

That’s why it’s important for SEO writers to know who they should be networking with. There are all sorts of key players when it comes to SEO. Writers who understand how their work fits into the overall growth picture will know who to talk to when it comes to landing work.

#17 Choose to Niche (or Not)

Becoming an expert in a specific niche can set you apart. And, clients often prefer writers with in-depth knowledge of their industry.

However, niching can sometimes be very limiting, especially if you’re new to writing professionally. If you’ve never written for clients before, how do you really know what topics you like to write about?

Plus, some topics will be far easier for you to write than others, which can affect how long projects take, pricing, etc.

#18 Communicate Your Services and Skills to Clients

Clear communication with clients is crucial, especially when you’re out searching for SEO writing work. Whether you’re sending proposals, cold pitches and/or getting on discovery calls, how you talk about the benefits of your SEO writing services will determine if you get the job or not.

Plus, how you speak and conduct yourself on live discovery calls will convince or deter a client from hiring you. The key is to be responsive, articulate and receptive to questions – and able to answer them without hesitation.

Read this! Can You Handle These 10 SEO Writer Interview Questions?!

This “performance” skill set can be very hard for writers, especially since we mostly like to work alone as recluses!

That’s why our Complete SEO Writer Roadmap program covers what to say on live calls, how to conduct yourself, how to sound and more. One of the biggest reasons that writers abandon their writing dreams is because they fail to land enough work, especially the work that creates a livable income.

#19 Showcase Your Best SEO Work

Assemble a portfolio showcasing your best work. Not just a Google Drive folder. Not just a LinkedIn profile. Not just an Upwork page.

A well-curated portfolio – one that is its own complete website – can serve as a powerful tool in impressing potential clients.

#20 Optimize Your Own Portfolio Site for SEO

As an SEO writer, your own website should be completely optimized for SEO too. Plus, it serves as proof that you know what you’re doing.

While your site should have the on-page content optimized for SEO, you should also be leveraging all the off-page and technical SEO tactics out there.

Another note: Make sure your site is optimized for the well-paying clients that want to work with you and not for the DIY business owners who are looking to scrape free information off your blog! It all depends on your keywords and topics!

#21 Know How to Price Your Services without Hesitation

Determine your pricing structure based on factors like your expertise, the complexity of the project and industry standards.

You should also be able to explain your pricing structure on live call and via email. If you don’t know how to price your projects, that is a dead giveaway that you’re a novice professional writer.

#22 Strengthen Your Time Management Skills

Efficient time management is crucial for meeting deadlines and taking on multiple projects. And, it’s crucial to managing a full size client load that can get you into that 5-figure monthly income range.

It’s also a good idea to know how much time different SEO writing projects will take you to complete. After all, that time commitment will inform your pricing. Utilize tools like calendars and project management apps to stay organized.

#23 Be Able to Justify Every Word You Write

Constructive criticism is a valuable tool for growth, but there will be many times when clients need clarification as to why you chose to create SEO content the way you did.

While you should always, be open to feedback and use it as an opportunity to improve, you will also be looked at as an SEO expert. This comes with the added responsibility of being able to justify your writing choices and clearly communicate them to your client.

If you land work alongside a larger SEO strategy team, you’ll need to uphold your end of the conversation as the SEO writing expert. Nothing is more embarrassing than looking like a “deer in the headlights” during a team meeting!

#24 Lock in Continuous Learning Opportunities

Stay committed to continuous learning. Attend workshops, webinars and courses to enhance your skills and stay at the forefront of industry trends.

The best – more efficient and less energy-draining – way to do this is to find comprehensive SEO writing resources that will keep you up to date. There are a ton of SEO newsletters out there, and most are filled with techy fluff that SEO writers do not need to know.

That’s why we’ve included the “State of SEO Updates” in our Complete SEO Writer Roadmap program. Our team sifts through the jumble of daily SEO updates and distills only the important information for SEO writers.

It drastically reduces the time and headache of having to sign up for countless SEO newsletters and be bombarded 100+ times per day with new jargon-heavy emails.

#25 Develop a Scalable, Repeatable Workflow

Create a scalable workflow that allows you to handle multiple projects efficiently without compromising on quality.

Our program teaches a repeatable success framework that students can use in client work and on their own website. The idea is to ensure that your SEO work is predictable and streamlined so you can enjoy it – and/or spend less time at your desk and more time enjoying other parts of your life.

#26 Master SEO Analytics

You simply can’t be a successful, high-paid SEO writer without understanding SEO metrics, data and analytics. Period.

Luckily, our program breaks down all the pertinent metrics so that even non-techy people can understand it and take advantage of it in their writing!

Learn how to analyze SEO data and draw insights. This knowledge can help you refine your strategies and demonstrate the effectiveness of your work to clients.

#27 Seek Mentorship

Consider seeking mentorship from experienced SEO content writers. Learning from their experiences can provide valuable insights and shortcuts to success.

Whether your relationship functions like a “fly on the wall” in their business or you get active feedback on your work, learning from more experienced writers is not just helpful. It can make you far more profitable, faster.

Why? You are learning from their mistakes so that you correct them and move forward faster than they did. You’re getting their 20/20 hindsight without you having to wait for your own life to tick by.

The bottom line: Learning from experts in your field is 100% worth the time, money and effort because it means you can expedite achieving your project and income goals.

Overwhelmed by This List?

Becoming a well-rounded and high-paid SEO content writer is a journey that involves a blend of technical skills, creativity and business acumen.

By continually refining your craft, staying informed about industry changes and nurturing professional relationships, you can position yourself as a sought-after professional in the competitive world of SEO content writing.

Embrace the challenges, stay resilient and let your passion for quality content propel you towards success!

The Complete SEO Writer Roadmap course from the Ambitious Writer Society compiles all of these things (and more) into an in-depth course. From learning the SEO writing concepts, to fully structuring your portfolio site for more traffic, to landing work, to landing work at higher rates and to staying completely up-to-date as you move forward into SEO — we cover it all in this comprehensive course!

If you haven’t already, sign up for our free SEO writing training video. Or, feel free to contact us with questions!

Ambitious Writer Society Team

A growing society of doers, change makers and the intrinsically motivated. We offer training and educational resources to help ambitious writers focus their efforts and make real steps towards their dreams.


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