Meet the Founder

Amanda Kostro Miller

I was the overachiever who tried way too hard on college essays. Straight-A student, top of the class, detail-oriented, fulfilled by working... I may be a lot like you.

I founded the Ambitious Writer Society to help aspiring writers like me. Self-disciplined, goal-oriented, realistic dreamers who understand that anything meaningful in life takes work.

“The goal of the Ambitious Writer Society is to provide the actionable training I desperately needed when first starting out as a writer.”

Members of Ambitious Writer Society thrive in a self-paced learning environment. While connecting with other writers can be helpful, they would rather practice and perfect behind the scenes than “talk” about the work at a coffee shop.

They would rather take the leap towards their dream writing career than never take the leap at all — even if they are scared. They would rather achieve their dreams by doing everything in their power to make them happen, taking initiative to control their future.

“I’m not afraid to give away valuable, career-changing information. I’m afraid writers will miss out and struggle way longer than they have to and forfeit their dreams.”

Previous Experience

  • Found myself answering the same questions from new writers over and over. Decided to provide actionable content and training that would help new writers find their footing in a big, scary world. And Ambitious Writer Society was born!

  • Trained to become a copywriter and started my own copywriting business. Branched away from job-bidding sites to start finding clients on my own. Within about 6 months of cold pitching, I had my first 5-fig income month. About 1.5 years later, became a 6-fig writer. Generated 7-fig sales for clients along with other drastic conversion improvements. Also refined and mastered SEO writing tactics to improve client rankings (and my own).

  • Went to college and became credentialed as a Registered Dietitian. Couldn’t find any work in my remote area, so started hunting for work online. Since then, I’ve written countless nutrition and health-related articles, whitepapers, software script, and more.

  • Wrote and published first novel at age 12 (yes, nerdy). Has also written a collection of children’s stories, currently unpublished until there is time.