Still feeling lost about how to write SEO content? Feeling lost about how to get clients to pay you for it? Our advice for aspiring writers below!

    • SEO content writing is all about connecting your writing with the person who needs to see it at that exact moment. Powerful stuff!

    • Most free SEO courses only scratch the surface. And while you might feel empowered while learning the material, you’re lost when you have to apply the concepts. 

    • If a course claims you can learn everything about SEO within a matter of hours, they’re not teaching you half of what you need to know to be successful and competitive.

    • Check out our free SEO training (designed for writers). Will it teach you absolutely everything about SEO writing? No. Will it give you some groundbreaking insights about the SEO writing world? Yes.

As you dive further into learning how to write SEO content, you might have this sinking feeling that SEO writing is way more in depth than you thought. 

Maybe you’ve dabbled in some free SEO training – and you feel empowered in the moment – but when you go to write SEO content on your own, you’re still kind of… lost. 

And many of these trainings might teach you some stuff about SEO content writing, but how do you find clients and land jobs? They don’t teach you that.

Even if you’ve already taken some free SEO courses, you might feel lost about how to turn your skills into a freelance writing business that brings in sustainable income. 

Now, let’s get into the good stuff! Here are some things to remember if you’re brand new to SEO writing.

5 Things to Remember If You’re a New SEO Writer

We get a lot of questions about our SEO writing training. Along the way, we’ve noticed some common SEO writing concerns and misconceptions coming from potential students.

#1 What SEO Writing Actually Is

SEO stands for “search engine optimization,” which is optimizing your content to rank well on search engines.

But what is SEO writing? Here’s a “writer’s definition” of SEO in regards to how you’d likely relate to it. 

“SEO writing” is writing that implements SEO strategies to help content rank better and better serve the people reading it. 

For writers, SEO is a way to improve your website so that it gets seen by people who are either searching for products and services you offer or people seeking information in which you have extensive expertise. 

SEO is a way to manipulate the content you write so that it gets picked up by search engines and ranked on the top page. 

#2 What SEO Writing Is Not

“Manipulation?!” That sounds scammy.

The biggest misconception about SEO writing and SEO content writing is that it is an ill-willed manipulation of your writing content. And people immediately think of scammy content that is laden with keywords. That kind of content is out there, but luckily it is now being downgraded. 

SEO (and SEO writing) is actually a great way to connect people with the right content, products or services they need. 

When you sit down to write a piece, SEO is a skill or a set of tactics that you can use to increase your chances of ranking higher online. Plus, it’s a way for you to help more people out with great, problem-solving content. 

So the bottom line: High-quality SEO is not scammy. It’s all about making sure your content gets in front of the right people who need it. 

And SEO algorithms are becoming increasingly sophisticated, so they are able to pick up on authentic, human-centric content that makes a positive impact. 

#3 You Can’t Learn SEO in a Day

All those abbreviated SEO courses from Coursera, Udemy – and whomever else – claim their courses are “comprehensive.” And yet, you can complete them within a matter of hours… 

Do you really think you can launch a successful, lifelong business off something you learn within two hours? 

SEO writing is an entire career of its own. And it’s so in-demand, you can go your whole writing career just creating SEO content.  

For instance, our SEO training has 130+ lessons and counting. There is so much to learn! Plus you then have to practice the concepts to ensure you can perform. 

So those free SEO courses (with a certificate or not) just won’t cut it if you want to build a sustainable and well-paid SEO writing career. 

#4 Every SEO Writer Was a Lost, Newbie SEO Writer at Some Point

When you first start to write SEO content, you might feel completely lost. Especially if you’re doing piecemeal DIY training. And if you’re only relying on free SEO courses, they often only scratch the surface of what you need to know. 

But the point is this: Once you have an adaptable SEO writing framework at your fingertips; once you have mentors; once you have all the materials in front of you, learning how to write for SEO is simple and straightforward. 

There is a big difference in time, energy and effort if you can just go to one source and learn from expert SEO writers. Compare that to you going down a Google rabbit hole and only getting a small piece of the full SEO writing picture. 

From our experience, writers who choose to take their career seriously; who choose to learn from experts in the field and who choose a streamlined approach to learning the right tactics fare much better (in terms of earning potential, opportunities and sanity) than DIY learners.

#5 You’ll Need Client-Landing Skills Too

As an SEO writer – yes – you need to know how to write SEO content. But you also should know how to land work with clients (which we cover in our training).  

Most courses will teach you a specific skill set, but they neglect to teach you how to make money doing that specific skill set. And like I mentioned before, you may feel empowered while learning the course material, but application of those concepts makes you feel like a failure. 

That’s why our online SEO writing course teaches you both SEO writing skills plus how to land clients. In fact, about half of the course is dedicated to launching your business after you’ve learned all the SEO writing tactics. 

Why do we do this? We want you to be successful. And we want our SEO writing course to be the only – or last one – you have to take (since you’ll be growing your business afterwards)!


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Ambitious Writer Society Team

A growing society of doers, change makers and the intrinsically motivated. We offer training and educational resources to help ambitious writers focus their efforts and make real steps towards their dreams.


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